My main issue with Orthodox establishment coerciveness, apart from that it turns people off to OJ (and I don't mean orange juice or Mr. Simpson), is that it causes divisiveness among Israeli society and sinat chinam. According to chazal, the first Beit Hamikdash was destroyed because of idol worship, while the second was destroyed for sinat chinam. The theological implication of the midrash is that sinat chinam is as bad as avodah zarah - which is one of the "biggies" - a Ten Commandment prohibition that's also yehareg veal yaavor.
This begs the question: Isn't causing sinat chinam in order to force people to be more Orthodox counter-productive? Even if all Israeli Jews were idol worshippers, by the above logic, if one had to cause sinat chinam in order to force them to cease their idol worship, in the end, one would only be breaking even - trading in one destruction-worthy sin for other. Since most Israeli Jews do not worship idols however, one is not even breaking even - one is coming out negative, since the sin one is using sinat chinam to replace is not as serious as sinat chinam itself.* This is especially so if the coercive, sinat-chinam-inducing methods are ineffective to begin with: which they are. So you are inducing sinat-chinam, and every "gain" you have with an Orthodox wedding is offset by a) the sinat chinam you use to get it b) that now, another Jew is not going to a shiur because they see shiurim as part of a coercive religious establishment.
To put it simply: According to chazal
sinat chinam (sc) = avodah zarah (z)
avodah zarah > sins supposedly prevented by coerciveness of Israeli Orthodox establishment - (s)
methods used by the current establishment to prevent said sins (m) =sc
The values referred to here are the "sin" values, or the theological negativity of - so the sin value/theological negativity of m - the methods used by the current Israeli Orthodox establishment, are greater than the sin value/theological negativity of s, the sins such methods are meant to prevent, according to the very tradition they are claiming to uphold. The reason m = sc, is that the coercive methods used by the current establishment cause sinat chinam, so the value they have on Jewish Israeli society is equivalent with and synonymous to sinat chinam.
Of course, I am not sure exactly what the sins such methods prevent are...having Orthodox prayer space and Orthodox weddings doesn't cause people to not drive on shabbat, so what "sin" is being prevented - the derabanans of premarital sex (wait, Orthodox weddings don't prevent that) or of davening without a mechitza?
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