Thursday, October 27, 2011

Unsure How Much Blog Overlap I want, but I thought this was relevant

Bus Experience 1

Jerusalem is an extremely safe city - it has a very low crime rate.

Last night, I was on the bus. The bus I was in passes through East Jerusalem. We were stuck in a hug traffic jam. I was half-asleep. Three Arab guys - in their late teens-early twenties started making lewd noises at me, but I ignored it/went on half-sleeping. Then they began banging on the window, right by my face. I jumped up, startled, and they laughed, then continued walking, and were gone.

I couldn't figure out if they were doing this because I was a woman, because I was Jewish, or because I was a Jewish woman, but no matter the reason, it was very unpleasant.

I told this to a friend and he goes, "If you thought that was unpleasant, I'm not going to tell you what happened near Ashkelon" - but I knew the answer to that - a rocket fell this morning near Ashkelon, where I have cousins and where I have spent much time.

I don't know why, but this comment from a friend kind of annoyed me. Maybe just because I am in a bad mood this morning.

I did however, receive two good quotes: 1. "If everyone were getting oral sex, we wouldn't need guns." (There's a great solution to the Middle East problem).

קודם כל, תרגעי" , בדיחה קצת גזענית טוענת שכך נפתח כל ספר בישול של מרוקאיות. אני לא יודעת איך זה קשור למרוקאיות דווקא, אבל זאת עצה טובה. תנשמי עמוק, יש אויר טוב בחוץ, יש פרחים, יש עצים, יש פיח מאוטובוסים,
אבל לפחות יש אוטובוסים.

By the way I've noticed that guns are winning in the poll for guys, whereas women are split 50-50 about guns verse oral sex. I know my poll is unscientific, but still find that interesting and somewhat surprising. Is my surprise because I myself have given into gender stereotypes about sexual desire?

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