1. I notice there is discrimination against men when it comes to babysitting - people tend to feel more comfortable with female babysitters. I guess its because of our culture which emphasizes a woman's role as the mother/caregiver, etc.
2. Huffington Post has a "women" tab, where you click for women-related columns. I don't like that, because it implies that the rest of the site is meant for the norm, ie, men. Women, who are not the norm, are not the target audience of the main site, but rather, are relegated to their own section. I hate it when Simone de Beauvoir is proved right - I am way too jealous of her having had Jean Paul Sartre as a lover. I would not take issue with a men section and a women section, implying a gender-neutral audience for the main site, with designated gender specific sections for each gender. To make it even more insulting, the "women" section consists of "healthy living" - usually code for weight loss - and "parents", which not only puts women in a box, but also puts men in one by denying them the right to be interested in said topics , implying that having a love of parenting and health is somehow unmanly. (I don't know about y'all, but I like my men organic.)*
3. Now time for some breast milk: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=%2Fc%2Fa%2F2011%2F10%2F31%2FBA3C1LMVSN.DTL&type=health (Breast milk cocktails for Halloween? That's a little too kinky for my taste.)
4. The picture in the right-hand corner kind of sums up a lot of my critique of Western society.
5. I call this the "magic happy blog" - I don't read it regularly, but it came up in conversation the other day and it occurred to me that a romance blog about a mormon couple might be slightly gender related: http://writingrainbows.blogspot.com/p/hes-prep-im-hippie-were-perfect-for.html
6. I am not posting the link to the South Park episode "Broadway Bro Down", but if you like South Park, Broadway, or blow jobs, you should watch it.
* I have no idea what I mean by that, but I think it would be something funny to say while wearing a cowboy hat.
1. My little brother is a noted exception - he made a killing babysitting throughout high school. One of his major clients was a family friend who has a little boy, and I know my brother would do everything from read him books and play with trucks as well as play soccer with him outside. Maybe that is a factor in this case - that he connected on the little boy things? I dunno. I don't think it disproves your point, just maybe shows possible upsides of boys who are capable sometimes. Almost every babysitter I had when I was little was female, though.
ReplyDelete2. Generally agree - but if you go with having men/women, you'd have to figure out what goes in A that doesn't go in B...and it's either going to be really specific (like, prostate exams vs. pregnancy) or somewhat stereotypical.
Also - big points in my book for using "randomosity" :)